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To Non-Swedish Blog Visitors

fredag 8 mars 2019

To Non-Swedish Blog Visitors

I have noticed that quite a large percentage of the visitors of this blog are not connecting from Sweden. It amounts to over 50% of the total. All imaginable countries are represented, but really big ones are Germany, the United States, and Russia. Even if there are people outside Sweden knowing Swedish, not at least expat Swedes, I doubt that all, or even most, of such a large number of non-Swedish visitors do.

Trying to let Google translate Vardagsegyptologen gives a crappy result, to say the least. I have experimented with that and if the resulting text is at all readable, it sometimes says the opposite of the original. This is especially difficult when it comes to Swedish, because it is a language with many homonyms. A computer cannot handle that.

I have already before received requests of an English version of "Vardagsegyptologen". I could write a similar blog in English as well, but that would require extra work which I cannot presently take the time to do for free. Even if it is no ideal solution, donations or sponsors could make it possible. However, finding suitable parties for that is not easy.

An alternative is to publish an English version as a paid email magazine on a subscription basis, which could also be arranged. If you are interested in that idea, please contact me. I need to see that there is sufficient interest in this alternative before starting anything, or even taking the time considering details. However, I am not talking about plaintext emails, but rather a formatted monthly magazine as a pdf-file. Something like a small e-book.

Be aware that we could spend much more time and effort on paid material, which would positively be reflected in the quality of an email magazine.

Anyone with thoughts, ideas, questions, or suggestions regarding any aspect of this is welcome to send an email; the address can be found here.

måndag 4 mars 2019

Hur mycket är en egyptier värd?

Om man ska tro vad egyptiska staten säger, är livet på en egyptier värt 80000 egyptiska pund! Det är vad man betalar ut för varje dödsoffer i den senaste stora tågolyckan, då ett tåg i full fart kolliderade med perrong nummer sex på Ramses Railway Station (Centralstationen i Cairo) den 27:de februari i år. Olyckan följdes av en kraftig brand. De officiella siffrorna säger att fler än 20 människor dog och över 40 blev allvarligt skadade. En mängd foton och videofilmer cirkulerade på sociala media. Där kunde man se ett explosionsliknande förlopp, flyende och brinnande människor, osv.

Tyvärr är det bara en i raden av dödsolyckor inom egyptisk tågväsende. Säkerheten är urusel. Att åka tåg är nog det statistiskt farligaste man kan företa sig i Egypten. Den offentliga statistiken talar för sig själv. Även "goda" år, med efter egyptiska mått få olyckor, är det i genomsnitt mer än en olycka per dag.

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